Table of Contents




先讲讲我们的宗旨吧。 “我们将以可靠的数据和可重复的操作结果为手段,去传播具有破坏和撼动性的信息”. 但是为什么一群极客要聚集起来做这件事情呢?读完本页内容你就会知晓答案。







到目前为止,根据分析,已经确定比先前披露的更多的信息正在对外传播。7)DJI已经同意创建一个离线的mode.8,但是DJI并没有公开在离线模式下发送的数据。离线模式被认为是非常积极的一步。DJI在非脱机模式下对通信的进一步评论将极大地帮助DJI客户恢复信任。DJI已经删除了iOS和Tinker的热补丁插件jsPatch,并将检查DJI GO和DJI GO 4的其他第三方插件和服务,并承诺在采取这些插件之前对任何新的第三方插件进行彻底的调查,以应对这里提出的安全问题。

Data Leakage

Back Doors





It is fair to say that this whole community started as a result of a lack of trust in DJI. We have stated our position. It is our hope that DJI will listen to the community, and respond in a way that will benefit DJI and its clients. At the start of this page, it talks about who we are. It also said that the question of why will be answered at the bottom of the page. Lets keep that promise now.

The why is ultimately a lack of trust. There were already individual researchers that were interested in DJI products. The decisions by DJI that are documented above are what has brought a larger community of people together, with a goal to state a communal case, and hope that DJI will respond to our plea for change in a positive manner.

Long Live the Original Gangsters


The OG's (Original Gangsters)

We came up with the title “The Original Gangsters” to represent the early contributors to this self organising project. The people that have contributed here have a common philosophy of collaboration through open source code to support our interests which in this case are DJI Aircraft.

For reference, our assorted repositories are listed below

Wiki You have already found your way here. The wiki is designed to bring together all of the various components to a single hub.
dji_rev This repository contains tools for reverse engineering DJI product firmware images.
deejayeye-modder APK “tweaks” for settings & “mods” for additional / altered functionality
pyduml PyDUML allows you to send firmware to your DJI aircraft without using DJI assistant, or get root access using fireworks.tar
RedHerring RedHerring was the initial July 4th Independence Day exploit to get root access to DJI aircraft.
dji_system.bin Archive of bin files for to allow you to upgrade/downgrade using other tools provided here
firm_cache Individual module components from within bin files for analysis, or to allow creating custom packages using individual components
DUMLrub Ruby port of PyDUML, and firmware cherry picking tool. Make your own custom firmware images.
DUMLdore Windows version of the DUML firmware tools. Archive, and flash bin from windows
DJI_ftpd_aes_unscrambleDJI has modified the GPL Busybox ftpd on Mavic, Spark, & Inspire 2 to include AES scrambling of downloaded files… this tool will reverse the scrambling
jdjitoolsJava DJI Tools, a collection of various tools/snippets tied in one CLI shell-like application.
DJI launches Geo DJI Announcement
我给 发了一封邮件,几周过去了仍旧没有答复。(论坛原帖为英文) DJI Forum Post
Brendan Schulman,大疆法律部门的副总管和电子围栏系统的管理员,曾收到来自商业飞行员的提议,要求在操作员提供了DJI认为必要的证件和政府许可后,提供一年期或者永久地解锁无人机上的禁飞区。而到目前为止,他拒绝了这个提议。并且一直以来他也拒绝解释为什么他认为在这件事上大疆中国应该有最终决定权。Inspire Pilots
One pilot advises they are “Losing too much business” Phantom Pilots forum post
A video of network chatter from just opening DJI GO 4 is published here
Details of network traffic displayed visually when opening DJI GO here Youtube
China drone maker steps up security after U.S. Army ban Reuters
Drone-maker DJI's Go app contains naughty Javascript hot-patching frameworkTheregister
Threads and posts arguing about company policies are not allowed, No content promoting the unauthorized modification.Forum Rules
Flight instability (bucking and drifting) Youtube
shaking, aggressive, wobbly, unstable behavior of the drone when hovers or in flight. DJI Forum